Regular price $50.99

Product details

Features and Benefits:

  • Use to locate shorts quickly and inexpensively in 12 volt automotive circuits
  • Eliminates need to remove upholstery and floor coverings
  • Operates through metal parts, panels, fiber and plastic materials
  • Simply connect leads to posts of blown fuse
  • Instruction type needle indicator pinpoints location of short

Schematic included with instructions.

  • S & G TOOL AID CORP. has for over 40 years supplied the automotive, heavy duty, electronics,  agriculture, marine and related industries with a wide range of general tools, equipment and mechanics’ aids.  Our products are innovative and manufactured to professional quality standards.
  • Use to locate shorts quickly and inexpensively in 12 volt automotive circuits.
  • Eliminates need to remove upholstery and floor coverings.
  • Operates through metal parts, panels, fiber and plastic materials.